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Center for Energy Efficiency


Under the “C” for campus, the Center partners with university academic and support departments, such as Facilities Services, Campus Planning, and Academic Affairs, to plan improvements to buildings and infrastructure that will benefit the students, faculty, and administration.  Building retrofits, energy management projects, infrastructure upgrades, and improvements in operations and maintenance all contribute to progress in energy efficiency and to department relations at the campus level.  By initiating energy efficiency studies and projects, the Center has interaction with all functional areas and serves to bridge any gap between them by maintaining an informative, open, and participatory relationship.

Areas of Interest

Energy Savings Performance Contracting 
Facilities Master Planning and Project Integration, including  ESPC, Operations and Maintenance, F&A Projects, Building Commissioning, Utility purchasing

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Contact us

Center for Energy Efficiency
MTSU Box 57 | Murfreesboro, TN 37132

Phone 615-904-8096
Fax 615-904-8093